What is the major change that you feel will occur in society because of AI tools?
What is the major change that you feel will occur in society because of AI tools?
Read more…What is the major change that you feel will occur in society because of AI tools?
Read more…This was the end question for this week's "This Week in AI" episode! What do you think? What "big features" (or small) do you think are going to be removed from the general AI services or tools?
Read more…Hello all! I just wanted to share this idea that I have been working on and have released on my blog:https://reedhepler.substack.com/p/a-working-framework-for-ai-literacyThis framework is not perfect, but it is something.One of my readers, Guy Wilson, mentioned the work of Regan Gurung, who suggested that we consider four qualities of our work with AI:Faster - can AI help us do the job faster, or is our skillset such that it would hinder us?Ethical - can we use AI responsibly for a given…
Read more…Here's a question to get things rolling:What is one thing that you think AI will NEVER be able to do, and how might you envision AI HELPING with that task?
Read more…This is a new forum and community site for discussions about AI in education and libraries. We're in the building process... Stay tuned!